

My 5 minute podcast: "It's No Secret"

Second: mp3 file or old fashioned audiocassette

Embracing True Prosperity: Guided Visualizations & Practical Tools
for Realizing Your Deepest Dreams

Hear a sample of Embracing True Prosperity

This ninety-minute audio guide (mp3) will take you into a future where you have everything you truly want and need, material and otherwise.

The secret to making positive changes is to design a vision so compelling it will automatically reduce the clutter of an unplanned life. The guided visualizations give you a map of your goals,
and show you the most efficient path to achieving them.

Click here to listen to a one minute sampler of Embracing True Prosperity.

A cassette can be mailed to you, or download as an mp3 file.

Audiotape $8.00 incl. tax & postage
mp3 version $10 incl. tax & delivery